
Showing posts from March, 2017

A Day in Bath

As far as British cities go, Bath has to be one of most beautiful ones that I have visited. This weekend, on a not so nice day weather wise, we visited the city for the day. If you are not familiar with Bath, there are various historic and charming places to see, not forgetting our first stop of the day, the Roman Baths. The Roman Baths is a preservation site of the unique spas and thermal springs that opened in the late 19th century. Although I'm not the biggest history fanatic, the intricate design and protection of this attraction is a perfect place to go. With an audio guide provided to aid you around the tour, you are guaranteed to leave full of new, fascinating knowledge which is a part of the cities most prevalent history. For more information on the Baths, take a look at the website here . A fter a couple of hours there in the morning, we headed up the hill to some up-market areas of the city, the Royal Crescent and the Circus. The Royal Crescent is a row...