21 Things I Have Learned In 21 Years

Having recently turned 21, I thought I would take some time to reflect on the things that I have learned in these years of my life. Turning 21 has been an exciting but daunting time for me, with endless possibilities for what is to come now that I have graduated. Many of these haven't been the easiest things to learn, and many of them I definitely need to keep reminding myself of! 

1) Everything happens for a reason
Starting with one that I was tempted to add "Almost" at the beginning of. It can be difficult to see this when things seem to keep going wrong or don't necessarily go the way that you want them to. As cliché as it sounds, not everything can be plain sailing and it's these things that not only challenge us but allow us to grow.

2) Change is inevitable
Change has been something that I have struggled to deal with for as long as I can remember. Despite this, I have since learned that it isn't always something that is in our control and it isn't always a bad thing.

3) Try not to compare yourself to others
One that can be very difficult in times where society is so demanding. Everyone experiences life differently. Just because somebody else has something that you don't, doesn't make you any less of a person. I recently saw a post on Facebook which sums this up better than I ever could, check it out here.

4) Not everything you lose is a loss
Losing things or people in our lives is inevitable. You might fail at something or lose someone in your life, which can make you feel all sorts of things. It is how you learn, continue and the experience you gain from this that matters. 

5) Never give up
Chances are you've doubted yourself before and have surpassed your expectations. There's no reason why you can't again. 

6) Trust your instincts
There have been many times in my life so far where situations haven't quite felt right, and most of the time, there's usually a reason why! Trust yourself. 

7) Take care of yourself
One that we aren't always the best at. Emotionally, mentally and physically, they're all important. 

8) The past is in the past
It can't be changed so why dwell on it?

9) Don't settle
Whether it's a job, friendship, relationship or any other aspect of your life, there's no reason why you shouldn't get what you deserve, so why settle? 

10) Don't be afraid to push yourself
You can and you will. Like in number 5, you probably have before, so why not again?

11) Don't be pressured into doing things you don't want to do
You're your own person, not anybody else. Don't feel forced to do things that aren't beneficial to you or don't make you happy.

12) Balance is key
The classic "work hard, play hard". A good amount of one helps the other, right?

13) Treat people how you want to be treated
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Everyone wants to be treated with respect, so why would you treat anyone otherwise?

14) Appreciate your loved ones
I cannot express this one enough. I'm extremely thankful to have amazing family and friends in my life. You never know when that could be taken away from you so make sure they know you appreciate and love them!

15) You don't have to see your friends constantly to know that they are there
The reality of getting older and lives changing could mean that you and your friends all of a sudden live hours away from each other. A little message, phone call or Facetime is so easy in our digital age and can mean so much more than you think. Just because somebody can't be there physically, doesn't mean that they aren't there. 

16) The opinions of others don't define you
We all face judgement in our lives. Just because somebody characterises you as something, doesn't mean that you are that! Everyone is their own person and it's what you make yourself that matters, not what other people define you as. 

17) Don't judge a book by its cover
The previous one leads me quite nicely to a lesson we have probably all learned at some stage in our lives! Life is full of surprises so whether this is about a person, a new experience or quite literally a book, don't rule out the unexpected!

18) Don't put too much pressure on yourself
Whether we're in school, college, university or work, we all face our own expectations as well as those of others, so too much pressure could be detrimental. The right amount can allow us to achieve to the best of our abilities, but it is just as important to remember that there is more to life than an exam mark or presentation!

19) Don't be afraid to ask for help
It may be to do with personal wellbeing or a task you're struggling with, either way, it isn't a sign of weakness but a sign that you want to improve things. You have nothing to lose in asking.

20) Time doesn't determine a friendship
Just because somebody has only been in your life for a year doesn't mean that they are any less of a friend than someone who has been in your life for ten years! The important thing is that you surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you.

21) A cup of tea and your dressing gown can make anything situation better
I'll end on a more personal note. It is so simple but makes a difference! 

If you made it through all 21, thank you for reading! I have no doubt that there are many more things to add to this growing list and I'm excited to find them out. What is something important that you have learned recently? 


H x


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